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Offsite Article: The Kinky Collective...

Link Here17th December 2012
BDSM group sets up in India, and even the Daily Mail decides to give it a leg up.

See article from



Updated: San Francisco Prudes...

City passes bylaw banning public nudity

Link Here5th December 2012

San Francisco has banned public nudity in a vote that is likely to spark protests among the city's many naturists.

Two women stripped off as the result was read out at city hall on Tuesday. One said: What are you afraid of? My government has failed me. Another man stripped off and chanted: The body is beautiful.

The vote went six to five in favour of the ban, which was supported by many residents and business owners in the city's Castro district.

For the past two years, there has been an almost daily gathering of naked men at a plaza on the corner of Castro and Market streets.

Supervisor Scott Wiener, who proposed the ban on nudity, said he had been hearing from upset residents of the Castro district for the past two years.

He was opposed by supervisor John Avalos, who said he was concerned that a ban on nudity would be an infringement of civil liberties. Sometimes there is a little weirdness about how we express ourselves and that's part of what is great in this city, he said.

Outside city hall, protesters gathered to shout their disapproval of the ban, with some ignoring the cold to remove items of clothing.

A spokesperson for the law firm representing the pro-nudists said that a legal objection is also being filed.

Update: Protest

5th December 2012.  See  article from

Nudists  have stripped off in San Francisco's City Hall to protests against the city's recent ban on nudity in public. The protestors shed their clothes in the chambers and started shouting at members of the board. The group was led out of the chambers and draped in blankets. One protestor was taken into custody for resisting arrest.

The new law makes it illegal for residents and visitors to bare their genitals in most public places and is scheduled to go into effect 1st February 2012.  Offenders of the law would face fines and possible jail time for multiple violations.

Opponents already have brought a lawsuit seeking to get it overturned on free speech grounds.

Politically correct exceptions would be made for the city's gay pride parade .



Offsite Article: Why Is Public Nudity Illegal?...

Link Here29th November 2012
A brief history of the fig leaf. By Brian Palmer

See article from



Offsite Article: Bound to Consent...

Link Here26th November 2012
Missouri sex slave case may hinge on expert view of BDSM subculture

See article from



Update: Scotland's Never Ending Shame...

Stephen Gough's sentence extended to 6 years and 4 months for being naked in public

Link Here14th September 2012
Full story: Naked Rambler...Stephen Gough imprisoned for being naked

Naked Rambler Stephen Gough has been jailed for a further five months after refusing to get dressed and go home to England. He has been jailed ever since 25th August 2006. So his sentence has now totalled 6 years and 4 months.

Gough appeared in court suitably naked for sentencing at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, Fife.

He was found guilty last month of committing a supposed breach of the peace by strolling naked near a swing park where children were playing in Dunfermline, also Fife, and refusing to put on clothes.

Gough who insists he is not a naturist and claims his naked rambles are a protest , was initially removed from the dock after only five minutes when he refused to sit down so his privates were hidden by the wooden dock. After he was brought back in, and agreed to sit, the court heard he had refused to meet social workers and so no assessment was available.

Persecutor Brian Robertson said the Crown was prepared to help him go back to England if he co-operated.

Sheriff James Williamson told Gough, that he was concerned that he had not met or co-operated with social workers drawing up the background report ordered. The sheriff said: Will you meet with them and assist them?

When Gough responded, No, not really , Sheriff Williamson said he had been left with no choice but to jail him for five months.

[So why don't the authorities transfer him to a prison near his home in Hampshire whilst he is in custody?]



Updated: Continuing Scottish Shame...

6 year in jail is not enough for some in Scotland as Gough is rearrested

Link Here24th July 2012
Full story: Naked Rambler...Stephen Gough imprisoned for being naked

The Naked Rambler Stephen Gough has been arrested three days after he was released from prison.

Gough, a former Royal Marine who hikes across the country naked, was arrested in Townhill, Dunfermline, by policemen from Fife Constabulary.

He was released from Perth Prison on Tuesday, having spent the past six years in the Scottish jail.

A spokesman for Fife Constabulary said he was arrested following complaints from members of the public and has been charged with a supposed breach of the peace.

The Naked Rambler's supporters on Facebook have made an official complaint to the Fife Constabulary

Re Arrest of Mr Stephen Gough on the afternoon of 20th July 2012 whilst in the course of peacefully eating his lunch unattired

I refer to the ruling on Breach of the Peace, in 2001 in the High Court of Justiciary, where Lord Coulsfield held that breach of the peace required conduct severe enough to cause alarm to ordinary people and threaten serious disturbance to the community and that mere annoyance or irritation were insufficient .

Misapplication of the legislation governed by this ruling would in itself constitute Breach of the Peace by any individual(s) conducting such misapplication. Fife Constabulary is hereby on notice to provide indisputable evidence, including a physical witness, of serious disturbance to the community .

In this regard, this message is being copied to Professional Standards and constitutes a formal complaint.

Update: Jailed for at least a month

24th July 2012. See  article from

Stephen Gough, the man known as the naked rambler, has denied charges concerning nudity 'close' to a play park near Dunfermline.

Prosecutors said he refused to put on clothing or move away and supposedly committed a breach of the peace on 20 July.

Gough chose to represent himself and was naked during the court appearance.

He was jailed until 23 August. Gough did not ask for bail.



Updated: Scotland Shamed...

Naked Rambler Freed After 6 Years in Jail

Link Here19th July 2012
Full story: Naked Rambler...Stephen Gough imprisoned for being naked

Stephen Gough, nicknamed the Naked Rambler, has vowed to continue walking around Britain with no clothes on after tasting his first day of freedom after being jailed by Scotland for 6 years.

Former marine Stephen Gough has spent the vast majority of the past decade behind bars because of Scottish intolerance and injustice.

He initially earned the title Naked Rambler by walking unclothed from Land's End to John O'Groats after quitting his job as a lorry driver.

He was spoken to by police immediately after his release, but was then allowed to go on his way in an apparent shift in Tayside Police force policy. On the last few occasions he has been immediately arrested by officers waiting for him at the gates, but yesterday he was given the go-ahead to walk off despite being naked.

Following his release he said: My opinion is that the police have thought 'the guy's not going to give up so let's have a think about it.

He revealed that he had spent the vast majority of his time in solitary confinement in maximum security Perth Prison - although he said life inside flew by.

Offsite: The naked truth

19th July 2012. See article from , thanks to David

A good article about Stephen Gough and Scottish injustice.

A commenter also makes the point that 6 years spent in jail is the equivalent of a 12 years sentence with 50% remission.

...Read the full article



Update: Swingeing Punishment...

Egyptian swinger jailed for 7 years

Link Here17th July 2012

A Giza Misdemeanors Court sentenced a married couple accused of swinging to 7 years in jail for the husband and three years for the wife and at the same time ordered them to remain under surveillance when they are released, state media reported.

The couple was arrested a year ago and were accused of trading spouses with other couples. Unfortunately for them, the country meanwhile took a big step towards religious extremism and sharia law.

The public prosecutor accused them of prostitution and creating an indecent website to facilitate their sex trade. They were accused of sexual trading with three other couples. However the court found that the sexual activities were perfectky consensual.

A report quoted the husband, identified as Hossam Kamel, said the idea came to him when he saw a similar website in a Gulf country and decided to bring the idea to Egypt.



Dead Sea Politician...

Miserable lawmaker proposes a prison sentence for people stripping off in the name of art

Link Here11th June 2012

Israeli lawmaker Nissim Zeev (Shas) has submitted a bill that would mandate one-year prison terms for anyone who strips naked in public for commercial or artistic purposes.

Dubbed the Spencer Tunick bill, after the American photographer who staged a nude photo shoot last September at the Dead Sea, the bill would make public nudity illegal except in certain areas designated for nude bathing.

Last year, Zeev led the effort to prevent Tunick's photo shoot, in which over 1,000 Israelis participated, from taking place. At the time, Zeev called the photo shoot an act of prostitution in the guise of art and warned that it would corrupt the morals of Israeli youth. After failing to foil the event, Zeev pledged to head off similar events in the future through legislative means.

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation is expected to decide on Sunday whether or not the government will support the bill.


14th May

 Offsite Article: Germany united by nudity, divided by attitude...

Link Here
Citizens of the former West and East Germany share many well-established customs, including naturism. But does a relaxed attitude to naked bodies mask some division over the freedom of women?

See article from


5th March

 Offsite Article: Swinging sex clubs attracting society's elites...

Link Here
TV3 documentary (Monday 9pm) examines the growing swinging scene, surprisingly dominated by females. Elite swinging clubs are enjoyed by the professional classes, paying thousands of euro to join

See article from


4th March   

Fifty Shades of Grey...

BDSM book makes US best seller lists
Link Here

The BDSM novel, Fifty Shades of Grey, is currently sitting in 28th place on the New York Times bestseller list and is topping Amazon and Barnes & Noble charts.

The raunchy novel is said to have become a favourite with Upper East Side housewives who are devouring the book's blue contents and fiendishly recommending it to friends.

Publicist Alison Brod told the New York Times that the novel is the new Kabbalah for female bonding in this city - and is spreading its X-rated charms. I found myself explaining what BDSM was to some of the moms at Saturday morning basketball.

The newspaper likens the story to Twilight for grown-ups, suggesting it has become something of a cult tome among mothers, who, according to New Jersey mom, Alyssa Goldman, call it simply The Book .

...Read the full article


15th February   

Licence to Throw a Frisbee...

Everything's banned on LA beaches
Link Here

In an ordinance approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in late December, the throwing of Frisbees and footballs on county beaches will be allowed as long as the activity takes place either in the off-season, or with a permit or the permission of the particular beach's lifeguard.

Oh, and all nudity on the beach is now a violation punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, as are swimming or surfing during hazardous conditions or in prohibited areas, and shooting a gun.

...Read the full article


14th February   

New Forest Prudery...

Miserable neighbours and councillors whinge at fun filled swingers club
Link Here

To the horror of miserable neighbours, David Kay transformed his house into one of Britain's leading swingers' clubs.

The five bedroom property boasts two dungeons featuring spanking benches, torture chairs, examination tables and suspension equipment. The back garden had been filled with a hot tub, stocks and a giant crucifixion cross for use in sex games.

New Forest District Council has now issued an enforcement notice against the owner for turning the house into a business without planning permission

Shameful conservative councillor Leslie Puttock claimed he had no moral objection to the activities taking place in the house....BUT... He said:

It's up to them what they do in their own home ...BUT... this was a normal domestic dwelling house that was bought and someone thought there's parking and I can black out the windows and this has become a club and it does not have permission to be one.

There is nobody absolutely next door ...BUT.. .there are people across the road that are affected by it and the car movements and also the noise - it's not only inside, it's outside as well.

I think they have every right to complain.

In a letter to the council David Kay said:

The guests are asked to bring a voluntary contribution towards the costs of hosting the parties. The total value of contributions amounts to a fraction of the costs of the rent or mortgage on the property. It is therefore impossible to conclude that the parties held are a commercial entity or for financial gain.

He said there had been no complaints to police about any disturbance.

The council is now refusing planning permission, saying the house is being used as a business, adding:

The use of a dwelling for a club in this rural location is at odds with the quiet and peaceful environment.

A club conflicts with the rural, low key nature of the locality and is of detriment to the character of the countryside.

This is not an appropriate location for this type of use which would be more suited to a town centre location.

It has gavin Kay until March 11 to stop using the house as a club and get rid of all his saucy toys.

But kay has now appealed the ruling.

Update: Council moralists do what they do best, shut down local businesses

17th July 2012. See  article from

A sex club in a Hampshire village must now close down- because council moralists claim it breaks planning rules. The swingers club which is based in a five-bedroom private house boasting two fetish dungeons, lap dancing poles, an array of sex toys and a communal hot tub lost its case on appeal and must now stop hosting parties.

As reported in the Daily Echo miserable neighbours in the New Forest have complained for years about the venue called JCT2 saying guests parked outside their homes and they even had to direct lost partygoers to the right address. [such an outrageous imposition!].

New Forest District Council issued an enforcement notice against the property's owner David Kay following the complaints. They claimed he had breached planning rules in the home called Highlands, off Salisbury Road, in Calmore because he did not apply for a change of use of the premises from residential to a mixed use of residential and a club.

[So in these austere times, its about time that council were a little bit more open to people being able to use there houses for business. If the only imposition of this club, is that cars park in front of other houses, then the country should be grateful for the business. We probably need every penny to stave off bankruptcy].

Update: Moving

23rd September 2012. See  article from

The swingers club banned from a residential property in Calmore is moving to a kinky hotel in Southampton.

The JCT2 club was ordered to close after a planning inspector agreed with council planners that it was being run from the residential address as a business, as reported by the Daily Echo.

The man behind the club, Martin Millar, told the Daily Echo that the time was right to move and confirmed he planned to re-open under the new name of Club Kiss at the end of the month.

A grand opening event is being organised for September 29 at the new location in St Anne's Road.


11th February   

Offensive Prudery...

New Zealand nutters whinge about beach nudity
Link Here

Nutter group Family First New Zealand is calling on the Tauranga District Council to follow the lead of the Kapiti Coast District Council and pass a bylaw outlawing public nudity on the coastline. It is also calling on the government to amend the Crimes Act and Summary Offences Act so that the precedent to allow public nudity, set in past cases by liberal judges on events such as the Boobs on Bikes , can be overturned.

Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ spouted:

Families are rightly concerned that they and their children may be confronted by full nudity in a public place.  Freedom of expression must never be at the expense of the right to protect children and families from offensive and inappropriate behaviour. We would not allow nudists to expose themselves in shopping centres or outside schools. Doing it on the beach where there are families is no different.

Families don't want their children being confronted by naked men and women. The rights of nudists to 'hang loose' should not be at the expense of families feeling embarrassed or offended. It is completely inappropriate for children to be confronted with naked adults wandering past them or sunbathing. It is not for families to 'get out of the way'. The nudists should simply cover up.

There's a place for nudity ...BUT... it is certainly not on our main streets or beaches which families and children use.

Kapiti Coast District Council passed a Beach Bylaw in 2009 containing a clause: No person shall remain upon any part of the beach in deliberate view of others in such a state of undress as to cause offence.


31st January   

Updated: Candles Out...

French police close high society swingers club over claims of prostitution
Link Here

  A famous Parisian swingers club said to be a favourite haunt of ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn faces closure for allegedly allowing prostitutes to operate on its premises.

Les Chandelles has been shut down temporarily and police have placed three people under investigation on suspicion of highly organised pimping .

Les Chandelles - which translates as The Candles - is located adjacent to the Louvre on Paris' elegant L'Avenue de l'Opera. It is regarded as the most exclusive of the French capital's 50 swingers' clubs and members are reputed to include Strauss-Kahn, celebrities and several politicians.

Admittance is only granted to the wealthy, famous or extremely good-looking. The club hosts risque dancers and the chance to swap partners or indulge in group sex in lounge and private rooms.

But detectives believe the club is frequented by high-class prostitutes and have shut it down until further notice.

Update: Closed for a Month

31st January 2012. See  article from

Les Chandelles, a well-known club for swingers in Paris has been closed down by the capital's police for one month, according to the French radio station France Info.

Police began an investigation following reports that former footballer Alim Ben Mabrouk was involved in a prostitution ring at the Chandelles.

Subsequent surveillance revealed that genuine swingers tended to frequent the club at weekends while during the week some men appeared to be visiting the club with prostitutes to avoid paying hotel bills.

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