Melon Farmers Unrated

Drinking Restrictions

Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians


Offsite Article: Have a drink -- it won't kill you...

Link Here 20th January 2018
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians
Researchers want the alcohol guidelines lowered. Ignore them. By Rob Lyons

See article from



Offsite Article: Robbing the poor to give to the elite...

Link Here 18th November 2017
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians
The petty prohibitionism of minimum alcohol pricing in Scotland. By Rob Lyons

See article from



Offsite Article: Full TPP Text After Five Years of Secrecy Confirms Threats to Users' Rights...

Link Here6th November 2015
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians
Revealing the latest restrictive trade agreement that thankfully isn't being adopted by the EU

See article from



Why has Britain's top cop declared war on pubs?...

I have a real problem with our country's leadership, precisely because of this sort of nitwittery. I shake my head and wonder how someone who spouts this kind of evidence-free claptrap gets to that level.

Link Here 16th March 2015
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians


28th December

Update: Shite Britain...

Scottish proposal to use barcodes and CCTV to individually track all alcohol purchases

  Customers adopting standard privacy
protection to buy a bottle of beer

Bottles of alcohol should be tagged so adults buying drink for under-18s can be traced by police, a Labour MSP has said. Under the scheme, bottles would bear a printed barcode enabling authorities to track whether legally bought alcohol has been given to youngsters.

The scheme, which is already being piloted in areas of Dundee, involves the police seizing alcohol from under-18s and then using the coded bottle labels to trace where the drink was bought from.

Officers then use CCTV from the shop to identify who bought the drink - whether it was an adult or an under-age customer being illegally sold it. Customers are even easier to trace if they use store cards.

Labour's Orwellian sounding 'community safety' spokesman James Kelly wants to roll out the scheme to other parts of the country and says the Scottish Government should encourage licensing boards to sign up to the initiative.

Although the scheme aims to catch shops selling alcohol to under-age customers, it is also used to target proxy purchases - adults buying drink on behalf of minors.

Those caught supplying alcohol to those under the age of 18 would be reported to the procurator-fiscal and could be hit with a fine of up to £5,000 or a prison sentence.

The scheme is understood to cost less than £100 per shop to run and authoritarians claim it would reduce alcohol-fuelled antisocial behaviour in areas with under-age drinking problems.


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